7 reasons you're not enjoying work (and how to fix them)



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6 mins

person working at a laptop

Do you enjoy your job? Have you ever thought about what it is that you don’t like and whether you can fix it? Here’s seven reasons you’re not enjoying work and how to fix them.

1. You’re simply in the wrong job


Sometimes the problem is that you’re just in the wrong job. If there’s really nothing you can do to make your work life happier then it’s time to be proactive and seek alternative employment. There’s nothing wrong with outgrowing a role and if there’s no opportunity for advancement with your current employer, then it’s time to move on.

To determine if you do need to change employers, write down what it is that’s causing you to want to leave and also what your goals are. If your reasons for wanting to leave can’t be alleviated or your goals cannot be achieved within your current employment situation, then find a job where they can.

2. Your attitude is all wrong

Is your attitude to blame for your unhappiness at work? Can you change your outlook and the way in which you work for the better?


Getting involved in different areas of the business and bringing some variety into your day can work wonders for inspiration and motivation.
It’s not down to your manager alone to inspire you in the office, you have to play a part in that too.
Social initiatives are a great way to work on something different, creative and fun while at the same time benefiting other employees and your employer.

If you’re unhappy due to certain elements of your working day, then set a goal to change them and improve your time at work, don’t simply put up with them. Maybe it’s a particular person that you don’t get on with? Make an effort to talk to them and resolve any differences or just move away from them if there’s no chance of resolution. If it’s a particular part of your job you don’t like, then think of ways to improve it – it may very well be that there’s a better way for that task to be completed that is more productive.

Are you expecting to be thanked for the work you do? Well, even though you should feel appreciated, it’s not a good idea to complete each task and expect gratitude every time, it’s less frustrating not to expect such praise and be delighted if you receive it.

3. The environment needs fixing

Is the office just not a nice place to be for the majority of your working day? Improve it by introducing plants, let some light in by opening the blinds and get some fresh air by opening a window, instead of breathing in air conditioning all day.

If your workplace is a healthy environment, then you’ll benefit from feeling more alert, being more productive and happier. Working from home, contrary to popular belief, has been shown to be a more productive way of working – maybe this is down to your house being a more familiar place to be, which you’ve spent time adapting to suit your needs and likes.

With the availability of SaaS-delivered solutions you’re no longer restricted to working in the office. You can now work from anywhere at the time that suits you (employer permitting), so you can choose your environment and the time you spend in it.

4. You’re too comfortable

Are you too comfortable in your current role or with your current responsibilities? If you’re not challenging yourself with new tasks or projects then you’ll quickly get bored and the days will drag on forever.
Set yourself daily, weekly or monthly goals and work towards these in addition to your normal duties. These new tasks can be used to break up your day, as well as a way to learn new skills and contribute to your personal growth.

There’s a great TED talk by Matt Cutts about a 30 day trial whereby you try something new for 30 days. It’s a great way to expose yourself to new experiences, as well as learn new things and motivate yourself in life generally.

Stagnating is never good for your career, morale or inspiration. It may very well be that you’ve outgrown your current role, this should be an indicator that encourages you to ask for more responsibility or swap roles. Whatever you choose to do, it’s also an opportunity to push yourself and earn more as a result.

5. Things are more difficult than they should be


Can you improve your role by introducing tools and technology to help you? Are there certain time-consuming processes that could be automated?
Researching how to improve productivity and in most cases compliance, will not only help you to to do your job more efficiently, but will also benefit your employer and free your time up to work on more proactive campaigns or projects.

Using mobile apps, SaaS solutions and productivity techniques, it’s surprising what can be achieved in a working day. Record what you do on a daily basis and whether it could be automated, either partially or completely, to give yourself a plan of what to look for in a solution.
Is there anything that you or our team does that could be outsourced to free up your time?

6. The commute’s boring and/or takes too long

If your commute is the problem, there’s a few things you can do:

  • You can request to change your hours to those that would make the commute easier
  • You can request to work from home more often and completely avoid the commute on those days
  • You could use your commute to learn new things or get ahead with your day’s work

7. You’re constantly interrupted

If you’re constantly interrupted in the office, causing a backlog or just frustration, then do one of the following:

  • Work from home using online tools and HR management software
  • Work in a meeting room for a period of time to get tasks done
  • Go in early to get things done when no one else is around
  • Get some headphones and listen to music while you complete certain tasks
  • Politely make it clear to colleagues that you’d prefer not to be disturbed at certain times, while you get through your workload