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Learn: employee management software

Explore the ins and outs of employee management software

Get the latest guidance on employee management software that amplifies HR and gives your people the best possible experience

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Neonatal Care (Leave and Pay) Act 2023: what you need to know

Statutory neonatal care and pay (SNCP) is scheduled to be introduced in April 2025. Here we explain everything you need to know about this new entitlement

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How to make a successful flexible working request with HR software 

Explore everything you need to know about making a flexible working request, and how our HR tech can simplify the process

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Why job autonomy is vital for success – and how to encourage it

Discover the benefits of employees taking ownership and being more independent 

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How to support workers with ‘hidden’ disabilities

Get to know the meaningful ways you can proactively support employees with less-obvious disabilities

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What HR needs to know about parental bereavement leave

Find out how HR can better support grieving parents and offer practical, meaningful support during bereavement

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Seven signs you’re a micromanager – and four steps to letting go

Learn the telltale signs of micromanagement, and four steps to letting it go

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Articles on employee management software

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Infographic: Top 20 qualities and skills of a good manager

Find out what skills and attributes employees find most important in their managers

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Employee experience: moving the dial on moments that matter

Understand how you can create a positive employee experience, and how tech can help

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Infographic: Top 25 factors that motivate employees

Learn about the 25 most important factors that help your people do more

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Put your people front and centre

Integrated HR, payroll, learning and recruitment solutions that amplify the voice and value of your talent.