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Make yourself heard and make the business case for HR software investment

Wednesday 5 June at 11am


Do you ever feel that whoever shouts the loudest secures the most investment for these projects? With HR leaders often underrepresented in the board room – just three of the FTSE 100 companies had an HR professional on their board in 2022, according to one analysis – it can be hard to make the case for new HR technology.  

Ciphr is on your side. We’ve helped hundreds of HR teams make the case for better people management software and get sign off on investment plans that transform organisations.  

Join our experts, director of sales, Adrian Goddard, and commercial director, Phil King, for a full and frank fireside chat as we discuss: 

  • The major blockers to HR software investment
  • How to understand your organisation’s procurement process 
  • The key decision-makers you need to influence  
  • Understanding your requirements for new software 
  • Demonstrating how your current HR system is holding you back 
  • How to prove the benefits and expected return on investment