Watch our videos to find out more about our course, which supports legislation introduced in 2015 for certain public authorities
In this video Michael Howard, our Equality & Diversity Consultant, gives an overview of the ‘Prevent’ strategy that came into force in 2015. It means certain public authorities have a duty to prevent individuals being drawn into radicalisation.
He goes on to explain how this duty is part of the CONTEST strategy which has four pillars – planning, prevention, preparation and pursuit – covering education, the NHS, the police and the prison service. It puts the duty into a context of ensuring individuals are safe in various organisations, rather than placing the emphasis on regular monitoring and policing of their compliance.
The discussion also includes what Prevent Duty means for organisations in preventing radicalisation and extremism. Our approach to this issue is promotion of being an inclusive organisation, and dealing with it from a safeguarding perspective to make sure we have safety of the people for whom we’re responsible as a paramount concern. So this training supports compliance with the Prevent Duty in a way that will support what you’re trying to do in other areas.
Find out more about our Prevent strategy eLearning courses, and how they can support your organisation, by watching the videos below.
- Our Prevent Duty eLearning courses, and training to prevent radicalisation
- Prevent Duty at work and school, and preventing extremism: why you should care
- Next steps
Our Prevent Duty eLearning courses, and training to prevent radicalisation
This two-minute video will give you a better understanding of how this course could benefit your organisation, and support the work you’re already doing around diversity and safeguarding.
The course will support and provide evidence of implementation of the Prevent Duty in the by focusing on safeguarding students. It will enable your organisation to more effectively recognise, manage and implement practical responses to support your safeguarding work and provide evidence for successes in preventing extremism and radicalisation. It will also highlight any areas for improvement.
This video covers what you’ll know once you complete the course. This includes the importance of embedding radicalisation concerns into safeguarding policies, and why it’s necessary to support good campus/college relations between diverse communities with potentially conflicting worldviews. There’s also an overview of challenges from extremism in the UK higher and further education sector, and how to engage with the Prevent agenda in a wider safeguarding context.
Prevent Duty at work and school, and preventing extremism: why you should care
Here, Michael discusses Prevent Duty training. Our approach is from the perspective that this work supports an inclusive organisation, treating it as a safeguarding issue to ensure the people for whom we are responsible are safe. Not only does our eLearning course comply with the Prevent Duty, but will also resonate with the work you’re doing in other areas – particularly around diversity and safeguarding.
The video also looks at ways of tackling extremism in your organisation working within the parameters of the Prevent Duty, but in the context of a safeguarding duty – placing ‘Prevent’ in the context of a wider strategy to protect your people. Prevent Duty training is about all forms of extremism that can lead to terrorist actions. It’s about any form of extremism that could become prevalent in your organisation through your people.
Next steps
You can get in touch to discover how these eLearning courses could support your organisation or higher/further education institution.
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Want to find out more?
Discover how our Prevent Duty eLearning course can support your organisation
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